Archive for Rojan Sunar

Active Record's Includes Method 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 1 Min. Read Mar 1, 2020

includes is a method in Rails provided by the ActiveRecord that is used to preload the records limiting the count of the SQL queries to the database.
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Introduction To Http And Websockets 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 1 Min. Read Dec 8, 2019

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol which is the most common term used in the web technology.
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Introduction To Software Architecture 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 3 Min. Read Dec 8, 2019

Generally architecture is art and science of designing structures so that could reduce the cost and complexity and help to build a effective product.
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Using Arrays In Js 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 5 Min. Read Oct 16, 2019

Arrays are list of objects that can be manipulated in various ways. They can be any type of objects. The elements of an array can accessed through the indexing.
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Destructuring And Spread Operator 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 1 Min. Read Oct 15, 2019

Object Destructuring is one of the features of the javascript which is used to extract the values of the properties and store in the separate variable
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Some Helpful Topic For Learning React 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 3 Min. Read Sep 22, 2019

React JS is Javascript library for building the User Interface. It is used to build a single page applications.
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Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 3 Min. Read Sep 15, 2019

SASS stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets which is a CSS pre-processor. Pre-processor is simply a program that process a input data and produces an output and that output is used in another program.
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Introduction To Monolith And Microservice Archtecture 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 1 Min. Read Sep 8, 2019

Monolith is the traditional architectural style for software development in which different components such as Authorization, Business logic, Database layer, Notification Module, etc are working together to perform certain functionalities.Microservice architecture is a suite of independent modules and each serves to deliver it's own specific service.
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Ruby On Rails Application Vulnerabilities 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 4 Min. Read Sep 1, 2019

The Ruby on Rails framework is consider to highly secure for building the web applications. However, it is necessary to understand what kind of vulnerabilities a rails application might have.
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Include, Extend, And Prepend In Ruby 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 2 Min. Read Aug 28, 2019

Ruby provides a feature to attach a specific behaviour/methods in the classes using the keyword `include`,`extends`, and `prepend`.
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Security Problems In Web Application 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 2 Min. Read Aug 25, 2019

However,the sharing of the data over the internet has also attracted the malicious hackers.
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Truncating And Displaying Long Text Using Css 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 1 Min. Read Aug 21, 2019

Truncating the long text is usually common in the website as it helps to keep the layout clean and spacious.
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Self In Ruby 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 3 Min. Read Aug 18, 2019

self is a special variable that points to the currently executing object. `self` can be used along various parts in our program and can refer to the different things depending upon where it is used. ;Some of the basic usecase for self can be as follows:
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Omni Auth For Rails Application 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 4 Min. Read Aug 13, 2019

OmniAuth(Outh) is a standard protocol for authorising the website to use the user information of the particular social sites as facebook, google, github, etc without providing the actual password of the user to the application.
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Rails Mailer 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 2 Min. Read Aug 10, 2019

Rails Mailer could be the easiest and the simplest method for sending the mail from the application to the particular user. They inherit from `ActionMailer::Base` and live in `app/mailers`, and they have associated views that appear in `app/views`.
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Rspec Testing 

Rojan Sunar (Software Engineer (Ruby on Rails)) 7 Min. Read Aug 7, 2019

Testing is a process to evaluate the functionality of a software application with an intent to find whether the developed software met the specified requirements or not.It is done to produce the defect free product.Generally, testing types involves Manual testing and Automation testing.
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